
Customer Service Do’s & Don’ts: Social Media and More by CRO

by Ariana Almodovar

February 21, 2019

02:14 PM

Customer Service Do’s & Don’ts: Social Media and More by CRO featured image

Mastering Customer Service: Tips for Social Media, Blogs, and Forums

Editor’s Note: This blog of customer service Do’s and Don’ts is part of our Email Etiquette 101 series.

Are you using Social Media, blogs, and forums in your customer service strategy? Learn how to navigate this digital global arena.

  • Keep in mind when tweeting, on Facebook or message boards that you are in a global arena.
  • When discussions get out of control, don’t stoop to name-calling or profanities. You are better than that!
  • In forums, keep your signature file to no more than 2-3 lines.
  • Keep commercialization to no more than a link at the end of your comment or contribution.
  • Stay on topic and discuss issues only relative to the thread/topic in question.
  • If you’re new to a group or forum, “lurk” for a while to get a feel for the community and personalities of the regulars before you post.
  • Never give out personal information or specifics to your location online — nor should you give out the personal information of others!
  • Keep in mind that there will always be differences of opinion. Try to remain objective and not personalize issues.
  • Don’t feed the trolls.
  • Be sure to edit or remove any part of the post you are replying to that is no longer necessary to the ongoing conversation.


Engaging effectively in the digital realm requires both tact and awareness. By adhering to these best practices, you not only safeguard your online reputation but also contribute positively to online communities. Remember, the digital world is vast, and your conduct leaves a lasting footprint; ensure it’s a good one.

For more customer service tips, visit our blog: www.scoreceo.com/blog.