
FAQ’s Got Questions About ScoreCEO?

Explore our comprehensive FAQ section to find answers to all your queries about ScoreCEO's features, security, integrations, and more. From data protection to marketing tools and compliance support, we’ve got everything covered to help your credit repair business software make the most of our platform.

Yes! ScoreCEO uses advanced technology to ensure your data is secure. We provide three levels of security:

  • - Server Side: All data is encrypted for maximum protection.
  • - Transaction Level: All transmitted data is encrypted via SSL 256-bit encryption.
  • - Client Side: Role-Based Access Control ensures only authorized users can view or modify sensitive information.

No. ScoreCEO is a standalone Software as a Service (SaaS) platform that allows credit repair businesses to handle all processes independently.

Absolutely! ScoreCEO offers extensive customization options. From adjusting workflow steps to adding custom banners, the platform adapts to meet your business needs.

Yes, ScoreCEO is the most productive and efficient credit repair business software on the market, designed to save you time and effort.

ScoreCEO scales with your business. As your business grows, you can add users instantly. Additional users are invoiced automatically when you exceed your plan's limit.

ScoreCEO provides a robust roles and permissions structure, ensuring that only authorized users have access to sensitive data.

Yes! All agreements, ACH forms, credit card forms, and state-specific contracts are signed electronically. Everything is integrated into the platform for ease of use and reduced ownership costs.

ScoreCEO includes a customizable, automated marketing module. Campaigns start automatically when a lead is entered and switch seamlessly to customer campaigns upon conversion. The module is fully editable or ready-to-use out of the box.

Yes! ScoreCEO integrates with Facebook and Twitter. Leads can post a web-to-lead form directly to their social media, tracked and rewarded through our built-in gamification program.

Yes, ScoreCEO features a robust importer that captures both positive and negative accounts, streamlining the consultation process.

Yes, ScoreCEO is the only credit repair business software that fully supports these compliance requirements.

ScoreCEO supports various payment types, including VISA, MasterCard, ACH, checks, and ScoreCEO Cash. Integrate with Authorize.net or Denefits for seamless payment collection.

Yes, ScoreCEO allows unlimited referral agents and offices with built-in tracking and reporting.

Yes! Clients can use their portals to approve Good Faith Estimates, view Dispute Plans, and sign Electronic Agreements. Updates are also available through the portal.

Yes, ScoreCEO supports various payment plans, including monthly subscriptions, pay-for-delete, and hybrid plans, offering full flexibility.

Billing is automatic. Customers are invoiced on their anniversary date, with pre-authorization available directly through the system.

No, referral agents do not count toward user limits. Only ScoreCEO users count toward the limit in your plan.

Yes! ScoreCEO integrates with Zapier, allowing connections to hundreds of apps and platforms.

Yes! With customizable banners, you can add a chatbot to provide live chat functionality for your customers.

Absolutely! You can add TSR-compliant sales processes, blogs, social media links, live chat, and more using ScoreCEO’s banner customization feature.

Yes, ScoreCEO ensures compliance with TSR regulations through customizable banners and features like contracts, payment plans, and more.

ScoreCEO supports integrations with Zapier, Denefits, Authorize.net, Facebook, Twitter, and HelloSign, among others.

Yes! ScoreCEO provides a library of YouTube tutorials, articles, chat support, and one-on-one video training sessions.

Visit creditrepairbusinesswebsites.com to get a professionally designed credit repair website in just 72 hours.

ScoreCEO integrates with providers such as IdentityIQ, SmartCredit, Credit Armor, and MyScoreIQ.

Book a Call With Our Experts!

At Score, we understand that every credit repair journey is unique.

If you have questions about our services, compliance, or how Score can help streamline your business, our team is here to help.
Schedule a call with our experts today to explore how Score’s tailored solutions can transform your credit repair business. Let us guide you every step of the way!

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