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ScoreCEO Credit Repair Business Software Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is my Data Safe?

    ScoreCEO's advanced technology protects your data so that only you and the users that you provide access to can view or change the data in your portal. We provide 3 levels of security: Server, Transaction, and Client side. At the server side we are encrypting the data, in the transaction all transmitted data is encrypted Via SSL 256 bit encryption, and at the client side we are using Role Based Access Control to display sensitive data on screen.
  • Do I have to use Score's Outsourcing Service?

    No, the ScoreCEO platform is a standalone Software as a Service that can be utilized by any credit repair company that wishes to process for themselves.
  • Is it customizable?

    ScoreCEO Credit Repair Business Software is very feature rich and provides the resources that you need to run your business the way that you want to run it. The platform is customizable depending on the project.
  • Can I visit your office?

    Absolutely! We look forward to you visiting our facility in Mobile Alabama or in Mayaguez Puerto Rico.
  • Is the application fast?

    ScoreCEO is the fastest. It is the most productive Credit Repair Business Software on the market.
  • What happens as my business grows or shrinks?

    As your business grows, you can add users on the fly and will be invoiced for them automatically when you go over the allotted number.
  • How do I control who sees what information?

    ScoreCEO has a very robust roles and permission structure to protect which of the users access information.
  • Does ScoreCEO support Electronic Documents?

    Yes, all agreements are signed electronically. Whether ACH or Credit Card forms or the industries only State by State Contract and Disclosure engine will bring your business into compliance. The best part is that it is all integrated into ScoreCEO for ease of use and reduced cost of ownership.
  • What Marketing Support is available?

    ScoreCEO has a very robust done for you and fully editable campaign module that starts a campaign when a lead is entered and then automatically stops sending the Lead Campaign and starts sending the Customer Obtain Campaign. This done for you marketing content is fully customizable or you can use right out of the box.
  • Social Media

    ScoreCEO integrates with Facebook and Twitter and allows any user, including even a lead, to post directly to their Facebook post a web to lead form. These leads are then tracked and the user is rewarded through a Gamification Program that's built in too. This will drastically increase the visibility of your company and make you a lot more money.
  • Does ScoreCEO import Credit Reports?

    Yes, ScoreCEO has a very robust importer that imports both positive and negative accounts making the consultation process very simple and streamlined.
  • What about the new Good Faith Estimate and Dispute Plan Compliance requirements?

    ScoreCEO is the only Credit Repair Business Software that supports these new compliance requirements.
  • Security

    ScoreCEO was built on Microsoft Azure Technology and to demonstrate that these controls deliver security and compliance that you can rely on, Microsoft enterprise cloud services are independently validated through certifications and attestations, as well as third-party audits. In-scope services within the Microsoft Cloud meet key international and industry-specific compliance standards, such as ISO\/IEC 27001 and ISO\/IEC 27018, FedRAMP, and SOC 1 and SOC 2. They also meet regional and country-specific standards and contractual commitments, including the EU Model Clauses, UK G-Cloud, Singapore MTCS, and Australia CCSL (IRAP). In addition, rigorous third-party audits, such as by the British Standards Institution and Deloitte, validate the adherence of our cloud services to the strict requirements these standards mandate.
  • What Payment types do you take? takes VISA, MasterCard, and ScoreCEO Cash, Check, Credit Card, ACH,
  • Do you support Referral Officers?

    Yes. Through ScoreCEO, you will be able to set up as many Referral offices and referral agents as you need. And tracking and reporting is built in of course.
  • Does the Consumer have access?

    Yes. The Application is built in such a way to encourage engagement with the Consumer and their portal. From the very beginning (as a lead) of the process they will be using their portal with you to approve the Good Faith Estimate, Dispute Plan and Electronic Agreements. Updates are available here as well.
  • Does it support different Payment Plans?

    Yes. ScoreCEO fully supports any Payment Plan that you can imagine including any variation of Monthly, Pay for Delete and even a Hybrid plan.
  • Billing. How does it work?

    Automatically. Through ScoreCEO, your customer will be automatically billed on the anniversary date. You can also pre-authorize payment right in the system with no extra effort on your part.
  • Do Referral Agents count toward the User Limits?

    No, you can have as many referral agents as you want. Only users of ScoreCEO count toward the User Limits in the various plans.