How to Resend An Electronic Document in ScoreCEO

by Ariana Almodovar

January 13, 2020

03:03 PM


With ScoreCEO you can resend the document if needed. We will show you the steps needed to do so. 


Logging in in ScoreCEO
  • Step 2. Enter in Email Address, and Password and Select Login.
logging in in ScoreCEO
  • Step 3. Select Lead/Consumer and search for the person you would like to resend the contract for.
Clicking on leads/consumers in ScoreCEO
  • Step 4. Select the lead or customer
Selecting one lead in ScoreCEO
  • Step 5. Select the documents to access there document area.
Showing the documents to access there document area
  • Step 6. Select and click Signed Documents
Clicking Signed Documents
  • Step 7. Select and Click Send New Document, this will be located in the top right corner.
Selecting and Clicking Send New Document
  • Step 8. Select the dropdown menu to see the available contacts.
Showing the dropdown menu to see the available contacts
  • Step 9.  Once you have clicked the drop-down select the document you would like to send
Selecting the available contract in ScoreCEO
  • Step 10. Click Send to Send the Contract
Sending a contract


In conclusion, ScoreCEO makes it easy to resend contracts when needed. By following these simple steps, you can efficiently manage your electronic documents. Streamline your processes and ensure that your leads and customers receive the necessary contracts with ease. Simplify your workflow with ScoreCEO.

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